Saturday 9 March 2013


It is interesting to know; what is it that I'm so desperately fleeing from? I'm really trying to not think and get affected of anything. It is like if I'm so afraid to get passionate about something.. Where would that lead me? Interesting. This is going to be my spring-mission, Sonja's passion!

Wednesday 23 November 2011

Coming in for landing....

Stockholm. It is nice to be here again, but I'm not sure about anything. No job at the bus, can I work at home with the silver...? How can I survive? Well God, this is making me even more dependent of You. That's exciting even though I'm scared. But You said: don't worry, look at the birds...see the flowers how they're dressed. Ok, I'll try.

Monday 5 September 2011

Journey in place and time

Had an awesome weekend in Örebro with two of my best friends there. Very nice food, one more was involved in that I must say, talks and praiers. Showed my pictures from Padjelanta.
This  picture shows the lake of Virihaure, it is said to be Swedens most beautiful lake. It is also the lake where our last hike with my father, who passed away first of March, ended and where we took the Helicopter back to Kvikkjokk. I got a bit sentimental seeing Virihaure again. 

Thursday 21 April 2011

Springtime in Stockholm

It hurts when buds are bursting...Among the old leaves and twigs and stuff, the flowers grow and show the power of life. Sweet.
Easter, a time for relaxing and contemplate on our selfish self. Jesus gave His life for us; all of us. We can do small things for others, just look around you. Maybe a smile?

Wednesday 3 November 2010


There are things that makes you compleately numb. When I walk in the forest around Lannavaara I cannot hold myself sometimes. Tears are coming. And this is just a taste of what is to come.

The heavenly stuff is often described in matters of gems and stones. It is a way of describe its beauty I guess. Imagine, that is what I work with?! What can I say? Thank You!

Friday 30 July 2010

My little holiday

A week in the fjäll! With three sisters and two young ones, too heavy load on our backs we struggled through mist and rain, sun and lovely scenaries, between Saltoloukta and Kvikkjokk. Take a look!

Wednesday 5 May 2010

Från Stad till land

Förra veckan var det låsbyte inför stambytet. Det ringer på dörren den avtalade tiden å jag öppnar. En man står på knä och gräver i sina lådor i trappen, en är på väg in i en annan lägenhet en kommer ut ifrån en lägenhet. Ingen tar notis om mig. Jag rycker på axlarna å lämnar dörren öppen, men lite irriterad..Någon börjar låsbytet i alla fall. Efter ett tag av borr och skruvdragarljud så ropar nån; det är färdigt! Ok jag kommer till dörren. "Då är det bara att låsa om sig". Nej jag har inte fått nåra nycklar. "Men det står lgh 767 nyckel här". Jaha, men när skulle jag fått dom? En börjar rota i lådorna igen. Ingen av dem tittar direkt på mig. "Ah, nä jag får ringa chefen" säger han då. Ringer; "tjena, de e Mutte, har ru nåra nycklar till lgh 767?" tyst, plötsligt spänner han ögonen i mig, "aa, aha, aa, a. Okey"lägger på. "De ska komma i hissen" Mina ögon blir allt större å större. Hissen kommer ner och den andre killen öppnar dörren, "ja titta, där ligger de". Absurd glädje! Mutte har blivit legend här. Ingrid ska skriva en bok.