Friday, 28 November 2008


How to keep a good balance in life? Well today I think I got it. I need God, friends, Church, work, creativity, but most of all, Love. Or in all of it, there has to be love; love is the engine of life. So when driven by love I can see beyond "me beeing enough" as is usually my problem. It isn't about me. And I can see what would be good for me to do now, if I want to be driven by love. Well, of course, I have to bake some buns, or saffron bread. It makes me complete for tonight! See ya tomorrow.

Monday, 24 November 2008

Good music

Had a pretty busy sunday, but all nice things. Friends trying out their engagement rings, coffe and lunch with Kattis. Church and actually no responsibility, just listening and singing and praying. New and interesting people there, great. Isn't it exciting when you meet someone new? Everybody has a history. I was on my way home after delivering an important paper, but some of my friends from church were on their way to Glenn Miller caf'e to listen to Anna Christoffersson och Steve Dobrogoz. Went with them. So great, I just love this place, it is exactly how you want a jazz place to be; good music, nice food and drink and small and cosy not big enough most of the time...

Friday, 21 November 2008

God and love and time

Padjelanta 06
God is love, love is relationships. There is no love without subject. It has to be a me and a you or we and you. And I am talking about the giving love, agape, love that doesn't seek its own. That is an explanation to why God is three in one God. God is love and a subject aswell. God does'nt need us, but wants us.
It is amazing what comes to you when you're talking to someone. When you really meet. I know this isn't new, no way, but sometimes it just hits you. It is good to talk and share thoughts and that takes time. Give time to each other.

Monday, 17 November 2008

Nice days indeed

Back again in the city. Had very nice days in Luleå and Älvsbyn. Great to have time to eat, drink and talk about the old day's.. During visits before I was more stuck to be with my parentes, but as they've moved south I was able to spend more time with my friends, and that was pure pleasure :-) I was also able to sell some of my jewellery, which was also great. But yesterday I was in the work shop again, and that too is pure pleasure!

Tuesday, 11 November 2008

Going north

There is nothing so exciting (almost) as to just drive away, and far away. I got a Hertz freeride, a volvo to drive from Stockholm to Luleå. Perfect. The car in it self was a blast, even though warnings were out about slippery roads, I wasn't even able to make the car spinn or slide when I wanted to! Great. Good music and all by myself with my thoughts. And when I'm on my way north, my thoughts are on the target of how can I make a living up here and where? Home is everywhere, maybe one day...