I've just started to have a fulltime seat at the workshop. It has been really smooth to share seat with Therese, but the problem is that we've not been able to work at the same time! I will not spend full time there, but anytime...
Last night we had a very good meeting with the congregation, Tomaskyrkan. We had to discuss the future and economy and stuff. But it was so cheerful, well needed for all of us. I'm so thankful to be able to share my life with the people in Tomaskyrkan. You are great!
The picture however, is from last year....
Va? Har du heltidsplats nu! Du berättar ju ingenting för mig. Grrr...
Lite måste du gissa oxå! Nä, men jag vågade nog inte eftersom du är min ekonomiska rådgivare...
Bara det leder till att mer pengar ramlar in så kan jag nog hålla mig lugn!
Ops, då var det ju det då...I'll do my very best.
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