Monday, 17 November 2008

Nice days indeed

Back again in the city. Had very nice days in Luleå and Älvsbyn. Great to have time to eat, drink and talk about the old day's.. During visits before I was more stuck to be with my parentes, but as they've moved south I was able to spend more time with my friends, and that was pure pleasure :-) I was also able to sell some of my jewellery, which was also great. But yesterday I was in the work shop again, and that too is pure pleasure!


Kattis said...

Du verkar ju ha roligt hela tiden du! :)

Sonja Sundqvist said...

Ångesten är som bortblåst när jag ska skriva på bloggen... ;-)

Kattis said...

Aha, bara att blogga hela tiden då :)