Sunday, 22 November 2009

Tur till Luleå

Vi körde ett gäng ifrån Lannis, ner till Lule för att roa oss, fann vi,

en väg som var lång och men vacker å vrång i midvinterns vita grannis!

Saturday, 21 November 2009

Lannavaara forevever

Hur roligt får man ha det på en skala? Att slipa till stenar det är såå roligt! Här håller Åsa på att inspektera om stenen är färdig.

Sunday, 25 October 2009

North again

In about a week I'll be in Lannavaara again. I've spent to little time to write here, but I was there for a week-end-course in stone-finding-preparing-setting this summer and now I'll be there much longer. Great! But there is alot to prepare before and Synergy conference next week-end.

Hope to see you there!


Tuesday, 7 July 2009

long time no comment...

Fruitful work
Well there is a time for everything, right now it is driving busses. I like it. It actually gives me time to think, relax my creative mind..;-) Usually I'm busy thinking how to earn my living, how to promote my firm, what is my next step in selling jewellery and nice finnishies and designs. But now thoughts are just coming. Nice, you should try it!

Monday, 25 May 2009

On tour

I'm been working hard for more than a week in the work shop. It is so great to just finnish one ring, go for the other, start with a brosch and finnish the other. Wow.

I'm very happy for the trip I did to my very good friends in Örebro, Eva and Per and their lovely children Tua, Saga and little Noel. I really had a wonderful time eating pite-palt, laughing, drinking vine and playing. And Eva and her sister had arranged two jewellery selling things. And I had the opportunity to share about life, faith and stuff. Great, although it was not my best talk ever, in one of them. But who cares when You're among friends?

Tuesday, 5 May 2009

Fire on Gotland

Had wonderful three days in Gotland with parts of my House-group from Church. I thought I went there to be inspired for my Silver smithing, but even though I was inspired that wasn't the main thing. We were all very blessed by God and each other. I had a sort of crack down the first night after talks and wine.. I was prayed for which got me into a better state. Wow. The whole trip was a pure gift. Thank you my siblings and thank You God!

Saturday, 25 April 2009

Long days journey..

into evening and I'm restless half working in front of the computer. Many thoughts after deep talk with old (not friend, but friendship!) friend. Relationships, family, life, God, work, realtionships..
Long time since I felt that thoughts got me further. God; who are You? How do I see myself and my nearest and dearest? How do we do Church and fellowship? Wow, this is a good journey.

Monday, 13 April 2009

Longing for heaven

and once I'll be there. Often when there is much uncertanity and yet much hope, I start to long for heaven. It is like what would be worst senario? Well, I can die, that's for sure. And is that so bad, getting to be with Jesus face to face? Not really, so what am I afraid of? To try to live in an uncertanity; I'll do my very best!

Wednesday, 1 April 2009


Things are not always what they seem like. There is not always a right or a wrong. It's just how it is. What can I do? Well I think I will go to the workshop, that is a good place to be in thought.

And by the way, book saturday for a inspiration afternoon at Kår 393.

Foto: Annika Hjerpe

Tuesday, 24 March 2009

Crash boom bang

was a title I used some time ago. It fits today as well. But Now I will go and buy some stuff for making jewellery. It is actually a very pleasant thing to do although it cost, a lot. Well tomorrow is a new salary and a new month is not far away...

Tuesday, 10 March 2009


My jewellery on parade in Mälarökyrkan in Ekerö, Stockholm! Great ah? I am a part of a whole bunch of artists and there is also another silversmith among paintings and claypots. I was there monday, to see people right, at the exhibition. Great how many interesting people you meet. I might not sell that much but I already got some good contacts. I also got to borrow a glas monter with a lock! Excellent! Got good contacts at Galleri Hantverket...
So bring yourself and others out to Ekerö before it is to late, as it will be on Sunday 15/3 which is the last day. Open until 1500.

Tuesday, 24 February 2009


Sometimes it just hits me, how fortunate I am to have been born here in this country, in this part of the world.

We are Your sheep wherever we are...

Yesterday, me and a friend were talking about situations for people who change religion, or just happens to be part of a minority religion. Like in a town in southern Iraq were the Christian minority is killed or threatened to be, so that they ran to friends or relatives in the villages around. But then there was this priest who just knew; there are still people there who have nowhere to go, I must see them. He went there and rang the Churchbells and there they came, some old ladies. They celebrated mass together. Nobody knocks at my door and threatens to kill me because I'm Christian. I am free to tell anyone about Jesus and so is the one who wants to say anything about any other religion. I'm not sure it stays that way, but today is all I have. Thank You God and help me to do what I can do.

Tuesday, 17 February 2009

Selling England by the pound

Loved and sold bracelet to someone who loves it!

as Genesis put it back in the old days. I've had opportunities to talk about important things and sell my jewellery these last three days.
And it has been so great! I just love to be able to share and hopefully, to encourage people to do something new. And then of course to be able to show my jewellery and sell some. Even if people don't buy, they look and are interested. That is encourageing for me. So now: off to the work-shop, start making the ordered things!

Thursday, 12 February 2009

Inspiration and such

Back from Luleå and some days off from Stockholm and with him. How wonderful with the snow, the trees, the
Gjördis eating bird food
animals, the sun and the moon, framing our conversations and dealings. "When I consider your heavens, the work of your fingers, the moon and the stars, which you have set in place, what is man that you are mindful of him, the son of man that you care for him?" Psalm 8, NIV. ( I prefer the Swedish version of the second last line: vad är då en människa att du ser till henne osv). Now back in the city; things to do right away. Finnishing ordered jewellery, Church and preparing talks. Great, I got the energy to do it.

Friday, 6 February 2009

Things do happen

It is amazing how this year started! I've been a bit worried about my silver jewellery and the selling of it. The autumn wasn't that good with orders and so on. But the trip to Luleå and Älvsbyn actually made things happen. It gave me ideas how to sell my stuff and at the same time challenge people were they are. My friends got their friends together and I told them a bit about my story in life, quitting my job and God and stuff. I wasn't excactly doing it very good. But it was a good start. And now I have at least four different occations for showing my jewellery and talk about what I think is important in life. Wow.
In my work-shop
And this week I was photgraphed for an interview in Allas veckotidning! Great. An interview was done long ago by Majken a journalist and friend. And orders are coming in but not always from were they are expected or when they are expected.

Wednesday, 28 January 2009

Just fine

What can I say? Everything is just fine, no complaint, nothing. Isn't that just great? I guess the people I've met and talked to these last days have helped me to see my situation in a new and refreshing view. That doesn't mean there is no problem or anyone having problems in my neighbourhood, quite the opposite. But I'll be ever so happy to be of any help if I can and I trust God to do what He can which is more than I can dream or think of. Wow. I'm glad I got this down because I think I will need to read it another day... :-)

Sunday, 25 January 2009


Somehow it is there all the time. Between my shoulders and sometimes in my chest. The places differ but the ache goes on and on. Where does it come from? I'm not sure really, it can be everything that is going on in my life. According to my last post in this blog, I'm very happy about it. And that is also true.
But apart from what I wrote, I'll be without a home in August. And where do I want to live, if here in Stocholm, how? Alone or sharing, big or cheap or do I even have a choice? Then there is my little company, how will I survive? I don't get all the days I aim for at the bus-garage. And then, love, can I love again, what do I fear? I have actually never had a good and lasting relationship. Maybe I'm unable to love and be loved? I don't think so, but in my darkest hours that comes to mind. Please God, help me to dare.

Thursday, 15 January 2009

Life is good

Really, it is not often in my life, when I can say; life is good. I mean it isn't that everything is wrong all the time. But there is always some things that triggers my frustration somehow. It can be that there is too much to do or too little, or work feels unpleasant or church is too much engagement or too little time with friends or too much social life. Well, there can be a lot...But right now I feel like it is a kind of balance. I plan most of my time myself, work with what I want to and when I want to.. I have the time I need for Church engagements and fellowship, I do have lovely friends around and my parents in a handy distance; close enough to visit when in need of a decent dinner and to play Chicago. And a wonderful man close and far away. Which means he lives far away, but he is close through phone-calls and e-mails and text-messages. Life is good, thank you God.

Friday, 9 January 2009

Holiday on ice

Sometimes it is easy to walk on water. You don't need much faith to take the first step, even though it might give a feeling of butterflies in your stomach. That is when the lake or sea has frozen over. When you really need faith is when the water is open and cold, a storm is moving in. Who wants to take a step out on the water then? Well, this is all about faith, I know, you can't really walk on water. Sorry, how banal! But I think that sometimes God gives you a feeling of a frozen lake to help you take the first step out...will the ice hold for you?
Tjuvhålsundet, Luleå

Thursday, 1 January 2009

Happy new year

Katarina kyrka på nyårsnatten

I think it is great with a chance to summon up a part of life and then to start something new. On the other hand that is something I do all the time.. I'm a bit of a nerd with that :-) What I have problems with is the new year. I think that I'm not really into the thing of expecting something of myself or others. Circumstances are things that you yourself don't have any power over. The only power you have is how to meet them. Good or bad I hope for myself that I count with God in everything that I meet this year. That is something I expect.